Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easters Time

Yes, I meant to pluralize. If you know the movie referenced in the title, then I love you. But really, I'm too tired to write anything besides captions. Here's Easter 2012...

Easter basket, Easter sandals, Easter morning breath/smiles.

After an egg hunt in the backyard (I thought I was genius for filling the eggs with individual hair clips instead of candy), we hiked down to the park by our house.

Then, after an early nap, we dressed up for the occasion.

And took a family photo at our usual spot in the garden.

Marlowe definitely takes after me when it comes to egg hunting/anything that can be participated in as a competitive sporting event.

After an awesome dinner with the family, we headed back outside for bubbles*.

We hopped in honor of the holiday.

*note Mar's drunk eyes in the bubble picture above--this is the face of a child who is literally high on sugar. Our decision to let her indulge on the candy in BOTH baskets from the grandparents (she usually eats sugar in the form of fresh fruit), was a HUGE mistake. The result was a two day bender of the following horrible things: no sleep schedule, tantrums, slightly elevated temperature, no appetite, stomach/ear aches, and delirium. Lesson learned.

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