Friday, October 21, 2011

Inspired Friday Night Homework

This graduate school stuff is no joke; it's day to day living, sometimes just existing, but the SECOND I start to feel overwhelmed with everything, I think of my life- of the people/baby in it, of my opportunities, and I could just cry tears of gratitude. And sometimes I do.

So, before I get cracking on this weekend's massive amounts of take home tests, case studies, transcriptions...and the list goes on, I wanted to procrastinate just a tiny bit [more]. I opened iPhoto searching for one picture to inspire, motivate, and get me 'pumped' up for the long night ahead. This was a risky move; iPhoto is a dangerous place for a gal like me to be, especially when other, more important tasks need to get done- I get lost in my library of photos and can't seem to claw my way out until I've looked and re-looked at favorite albums, forgotten-about albums, and scanned the trash folder just to make sure that nothing has accidentally been discarded.

Of course I couldn't settle on one photo, but I made sure to keep it ultra conservative and stopped myself at two inspirations:

From our engagement shoot.

Nothing beats this.

Alright, homework, let's go.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

to. too. two. tu. 2.

I had originally planned on blogging Mar's 2nd birthday on September 18- the day after the party- but that would mean that I would have achieved everything on my to-do list that weekend, so obviously something had to give. Only one month late (to the day!), that's not too bad, right? I know, it's bad.

It was fun, fun day. We always say, (always= all of Marlowe's two birthdays), that we will have a small, low-key, family get together with MAYBE a friend or two. This never happens. This is not even possible. Family alone takes the party size from an intimate gathering to a furniture-rearranging, paper plate-buying ordeal, so adding friends to the guest list always encourages us to take the festivities to the next level-and I love it, though admittedly, I should probably tone it down a little sometimes.

Things started getting out of control in a good way when I asked my Dad's 60s surf rock band to play. This established our theme: '60's retro beach party'- which everyone ignored, save for a few friends who came in straw hats and flower leis/dresses. We had about 40 people total- including kids- and I'm pretty sure, though I'll never truly know, that everyone had a great time...

Last year we bought everything we needed for a taco bar from a local taqueria...this year we cooked everything ourselves. Thank goodness for Grandma Leslie who flew in from Seattle, we needed all the help we could get in the kitchen the night before!

Aunt Molly came over too and helped us bake one million cookies.

Marlowe wasn't a fan of her cupcake last year, so we did a few varieties of cookies (oatmeal-raisin-chocolate chip) for the birthday dessert.

I also assembled the 'goody buckets' the night before...but then at the actual party I realized that I forgot to put them out when half of the kids had already left. Bummer.

We even found a jumper to go with our theme. This thing literally paid for itself the way it babysat every kid at the party.

The first guests, and can you believe that weather? It was a glorious day to turn 2!

I learned that 21st century jumpers have attached slides; where were these in the late 80s/early 90s when I was a child partygoer?

Sadly, this is the only picture of the amazing spread and set-up. I didn't have time to take all the photos before: a big lesson for our next party.

For the record, the menu included: kebabs of all varieties, rice, pasta and green salads, rolls, and corndogs for the kiddos-though they were a bigger hit with the adults.

To drink we served: lime+mint water, sun tea, STRONG mai tais (with umbrellas+pineapple), and a keg of Pacifico.

A tender moment with Uncle Kent in the jumper.

The second the little kids cleared out to eat, the big kids took over.

El's parents surprised us with professional photos of Mar that they had taken in secret.

'Superwave' plays the Happy Birthday Song to little M.

The cookies were a hit and a {possible} new birthday tradition.


Marlowe's cool Aunt and Uncles.

Chatting up her guests like any good hostess should.

We went green by using our arsenal of mason jars for the keg instead of red cups-which I wouldn't have felt right about having at my daughter's 2nd birthday party anyway; UCSB has scarred me.

If this is what 2 is like then she can stop growing now.

Like I already mentioned, my only regret is not getting enough photos of our guests-I will try to track them down from another camera, because it was our friends and family who really made the day so special for Mar {and us!}. We are so appreciative of the love and support that surrounds us, and the 'village' that has rallied together to be a part of our little baby's life.

Here's to year 3! I don't know how it can possibly get better, but Marlowe has a way of surprising us every day.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Year in the Life of a Marlowe

It's been a whole year since the 'Big 1.' It's hard to believe, but Marlowe is now 2 and LOOOVING it! It's ridiculous how fast a year can fly by, and how many changes, adventures, and good times can be squeezed into 365 days. Before I post about this year's birthday event (yes, event), I wanted to reflect a little on the past year from the perspective, or what is my assumption of the perspective, of Mar.

First, let's go back...

Coming home from the hospital, this is what we had to work with. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Mar's eyes were blue for her first year of life.

Marlowe turns 1, and tastes her first {giant} cupcake.

And this is what we did over the last year...

We moved to a new house in December. This was the photo for our holiday card-taken in our back field.

Marlowe became a scenester.

We learned how to stack.

We set up shop for our beloved chickens.

We disocovered Play Werx and are obsessed.

Ma and Pa got to spend some quality time together in Hawaii for a few days...

and all MJ got was this coconut bra, shell necklace, and grass skirt.

The Safari Park was good times.

We now drink from a regular-person-sized cup.

We camped at the beach.

Mar's interest in playing music became apparent... did her interest in supporting the dramatic arts (if I have to watch ONE more episode of Caillou...)

My dad's band acquired their youngest groupie.

MJ inherited this playhouse from El's cousins, so we obviously had to landscape-curb appeal is everything, right?

Mar spent some quality time with her Aunt Ivy. In Palermo. Yes, in Italy-it was ridiculous (don't ask about the plane ride(s)).

Uncle Blake knew the way to MJ's heart in Mondello.

In France, our relatives took us all around. Here is MJ in Auvers-sur-Oise, in the same wheat field that Van Gogh famously painted.

Back at home, we picnicked in the backyard on the reg.

We took lots of walks with friends.

Marlowe spent lots of time holding 'Little Peep.'

Mar + el mar = amor

Mar solidified her 'please' and 'thank you' skills.

We relaxed outside.

It was a great, great year.

So many photos, yes, I am aware. But we did SO much, and milestone after milestone was reached by Mar. We love you so much, girlfriend, and you continually amaze us!