Sunday, August 14, 2011


It's been a solid year now that I've been including, "start family blog" on my weekly to-do list, and it's the only task I just can't seem to get myself to accomplish- well, that and "go to gym (regularly)." I follow so many blogs that I love, and though I have SO much to learn about this medium, I realized tonight after putting this thing together that my procrastination is much more deep-rooted than I originally thought. I came up with a list of the three main reasons why I have been putting this off, and I am publishing these reasons as a way of (hopefully) keeping myself accountable and current:

1. I am intimidated because I know what's out there.

Fan, patron, supporter, semi-stalker. Call it what you will, but I have so many friends from everywhere who are staying connected through blogging and it's been a great way to keep in touch. Not to mention, these people are incredibly creative and interesting! Seeing those blogs has led me to discover others who write/photo journal about topics that I love, and that can be pretty overwhelming. There are so many good ideas and sources of inspiration out there that I can't help but feel a teeny bit discouraged that I might pale in comparison.

2. I've psyched myself out about the technical skill required to make this thing.

This excuse is quickly losing its strength, as I'm discovering how easy it actually is.

3. I'm terrified of the commitment and my ability to follow through.

This project is for Marlowe (and any other kids we might parent). I just know myself and:
a) I have the tendency to fully immerse myself in a project in the beginning, then lose steam as life happens, and ultimately let it fizzle out completely.
b) I am always finding myself in situations where I don't have my camera or phone ready to capture what is going on, and that really bums me out.

But, I resolve to persevere! I will not let Marlowe down.

The problem with baby books, or even scrapbooks for that matter, is that there is only so much room to store photos and commentary, so you only end up putting in the most "important stuff" like birthdays and the first day of school. To me, that is unacceptable. Why is a quiet night at home reading books or a family walk around the neighborhood less worthy of being remembered and looked back fondly upon? It's the mundane events, the everyday stuff that's easiest to lose sight of, or even forget, that I want to remember most. Don't worry though, there will definitely be birthday posts here too.

Anyway, back to the introductions...

Photo credit: Priscilla Gragg

This is us. He's Elgin. I'm Kiffen. And together we made...


She's actually about to turn 2, but I couldn't resist with the finger-snapping photo, taken at 7 months of age. Seriously, look at that sass!

Here's what she looks like these days:

Don't be fooled, the sass is still there. Only now it's accompanied by an Amelie-inspired A-line haircut and THE most hilarious ongoing monologue!

I've got to admit, it feels good to finally get this thing fired up, and best of all...I get to cross 'start family blog' off my to-do list! Or maybe I should just cross off 'start' and replace it with 'maintain.'


  1. Congratulations! And, you are off to a wonderful start! I know what you mean about paling in comparison to all the other blogs out there, but don't underestimate yourself. One of the first adjectives that comes to mind when I think of Kiffen, right after "adorable", is "creative." I agree with you on keeping record of the "regular" events and happenings in life. Looking forward to stalking you frequently! Haha!

  2. Thanks for stalking me! Don't worry, it's reciprocated!
