Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Jig is Up

Alright Summer, we had our time. Marlowe and I really enjoyed waking up at 9 a.m. and doing this or that or nothing until Elgin returned from his day, but honestly, I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow. I feel, actually, I know for a fact, that I am able to get WAY more accomplished when I am on a schedule and I am ready to be productive!

While I wait for my entry into graduate school (this topic will be a post unto itself), I am working at an elementary school as an Instructional Aide in a Special Day class. Last year it was with 3rd-5th graders, this year it will be at a new school with the little guys n' gals- 1st and 2nd grade. I'm ready for the new experiences and challenges, meeting new people at the new school site, and most of all I'm ready to get paid again.

Although the late Notorious BIG once rapped so eloquently, 'Mo money, mo problems,' in the case of our family right now, I'd have to dispute this claim, as we will be welcoming my paycheck back with open arms (full summers off come at a price!). Since I work part-time, I don't make that much, but it's enough to make a noticeable impact when the supply is cut off. Anyway, the point is, we've spent the summer exploring more budget friendly activities to do as a family.

Like today for instance. We woke up and were sitting around in the living room deciding whether to be lazy or go find something to do. We had almost reached the point of no return- you know, where you've been talking about what to do for so long, can't make a decision, and then consequently end up doing nothing at all (and feeling like crap because of it). Finally at the last second, we decided that we'd take a drive up to Palomar Mountain and find a trail to hike- neither of us (or Marlowe) had ever been up to the top, and it's only about 1 hour away so we gathered our junk and hit the road.

It was a really nice drive and the roads were pretty vacant, save for the gangs of motorcycles and their riders that appeared out of nowhere every once in awhile. Once we made it to the top, we paid $8 to enter the State Park and stopped at the picnic area to carboload.

Marlowe, her cheese, and her hiking get-up.

We were still finding ourselves to be a little indecisive, this time regarding which trail to hike, so we finally hopped back in the car and drove a few more miles into the park to check out different trailheads.

When we realized that Scott's Cabin was ridiculously steep the entire way, we settled on Thunder Spring, which took us right by Doane Pond anyway.

An impatient MJ.

The Pond.

Sketchy Bridge.

We coerced her into the hiking backpack when the terrain got less kid-friendly.

El found a walking stick/weapon to ward off mountain lions (we didn't see any)

This tree didn't fall on us.

Just a little bit further...

We made it!

Not so impressive, this Thunder Creek.

We hate jumping photos. But we also love them.

Heading back.

We thought she'd be passed out in that backpack, but MJ didn't miss a beat!

So all in all, we spent $8 today and I'd have to say it was worth it. Although work starts tomorrow, and I'm up way later than I wanted to be, I'm so ready for the routine. And besides, we still have tons of late-afternoon beach sessions ahead of us to keep our 'summer' going a little bit longer.


  1. Looks like it was a perfect send-off to the lazy days (daze?) of summer. Hope your first week back at work was a smooth transition for all! I am LOVING having the kids back in school and getting back to a routine.

  2. Awe. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun!

    New follower&reader..
