Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3 months in 3 days: January

After a 3-month hiatus, we're back! So far, we have no complaints about 2012, although I have been watching reruns of "Doomsday Preppers" on the National Geographic channel, so our perspective may change if any of those crazies have accurate predictions. Anyway, I've decided to do a 3-part mini-series to catch up instead of one giant, photo-heavy post that no one wants to read. We'll start with mid-December/January...

Marlowe helped me seal the deal during finals week; my first semester of graduate school was a smashing success.

Once winter break was in full-effect, we were able to catch up with some friends.

Thanks to the Pioneer Woman, we hosted our first X-mas dinner. Of course there is no 'before' picture.

Nice weather allowed for shirtless expeditions at Dog Beach.

Only 6 months until real summer.

We had our first kidless New Year's Eve in 3 years. We camped at a friend's property, and promptly bailed just as the sun was rising and hypothermia was setting in.

Mar got her first taste of Disneyland.

Disneyland and a trip to the San Diego Zoo with Grandma Leslie both happened in January, and both are deserving of their own special entries, so I actually may extend '3 months in 3 days' over a few more days. I could go back and edit my title, but I like the concept of catching up for lost time with more frequent, shorter posts.


  1. Loving that last picture of MJ. Keep 'em coming, Kiff, I need a dose of the Rowland family in my life!

  2. That little Disneyland smirk is adorable! Thanks for the little catch up--I'm looking forward to the next installments! And, glad to hear that semester 1 of Grad School went so well! Love to you all!
