Friday, March 23, 2012

3 months in a few days: February

I've already fallen behind in my '3 months in 3 days' goal, but you would too if you also spent the entirety of yesterday at Disneyland! El was able to get the day off and we took my brother to celebrate his 22nd birthday. Needless to say, we were pooped by the time we got home--I wasn't even able to open my book before passing out, and I'm reading The Hunger Games right now so that's saying something.

On to February's update...

I found this paint on clearance ($2.00) at Home Depot.

and used it on this awesome mid-century nightstand that I picked up at my local dump store.

The finished product.

We ran a 5k.

Enjoyed some time at Grampy's house.

El and I celebrated Valentine's Day early with a solo weekend trip downtown.

One of Elgin's dreams came true this day. Our getaway was conveniently planned around Padres Fan Fest.

Another V-day surprise: El hired a professional photographer to take a nice picture of us.

Fondue delights.

We tried for a cutesy self-timed V-day shot, people. We tried.

The weather got warm, and I got to work.

BFFAEAEAE Ivy had a sensational bridal shower.

A waste not/want not ideology resonated with me one morning, so I harvested one million limes at their peak- then had to figure out what to do with them.

So instead of lesson-planning, I spent my entire Wednesday off: juicing, candy-ing, canning, and otherwise preserving limes. WHy??!? I don't know.

The candied ones are actually really good.

A failed sewing attempt at an adult-sized ruffled scarf ended up a success for Marlowe's growing collection of accessories.

Wow, that was a lot longer than expected. February 2012 brought with it not just an extra {leap} day, but also an above-average amount of photo documentation. More posts to come!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! What a busy month! Thank goodness there was that extra day! Love how your nightstand turned out. Can't believe what you did with all those limes! And we all love those Marlowe shots. Such a cutie!
