Sunday, March 25, 2012

A taste of summer living

Well, somehow the photos from Disneyland and the zoo were put on the external hard drive, so in an effort to keep the posts flowing I am going to save those for a rainy day (or whenever I run out of backed-up material).

Despite what most people who live outside of San Diego might think, we actually DO have chilly days and nights during winter. The change in temperature might be especially considerable to us weenies because we do have so many nice, warm+sunny days, but in any case it's not uncommon to wake up to frost in the mornings.

Most of our winter days at the beach look like this:

Bundled up with layers and rain boots, and avoiding the frigid water at all costs.

So when we had a few {weekend} days that bestowed upon our shivering asses temperatures reaching the mid-80s, we headed straight for the beach!

mid-80s at our house means at least 10-15 degrees cooler at the beach, so it wasn't a true beach day (meaning: El still did his hair)

Mar didn't mind, though, and immediately stripped down to frolic as only she can.

Then she discovered her newest/favorite hobby: catching and releasing sand crabs.

Low tide is the best time.

Small wave surfing is the only way I like to do it--I can't WAIT for summer!

We found an old seaworm/coral colony.

After awhile, we packed our beach crap and headed up the bluff stairs for some lunch at Bull Taco-I'm pretty sure this taco shop wins for best view in the world. Also, there was a guy on guitar playing acoustic Bob Marley songs...I'm not gonna lie, it was a little bit cutesy.

Then, just when you couldn't imagine things being more picturesque, a pod of dolphins passed by, just beyond the cluster of surfers. I know, I know.

Mar's been earning stickers for 'good behavior.' This day, good behavior meant eating her lunch without putting up a fight. Sigh...

After earning her 'Terrific!' sticker, Mar tried to get a closer look at the dolphins.

This summer will be amazing.

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